Know exactly where to act and the conditions you will face before entering an asset
Sending an inspection team to assess the conditions of an asset is not only dangerous but also time-consuming and expensive. Using a nuclear inspection drone will allow you to avoid unnecessary human exposure to radiation, improve decision-making, and reduce inspection time and cost.
By deploying the Elios 3 RAD, you can collect visual, LiDAR, and radiometric data without having to send humans or install expensive and inefficient radiation-hardened cameras. The RAD Payload, developed in collaboration with Mirion Technologies, allows you to accurately estimate the current and cumulative dose exposure a person would face in every corner of your asset and thanks to the high-quality data collected by the drone you can understand if there is a need to intervene and exactly where and how to act. The Elios 3 was successfully tested in 10,000 R/h conditions and all its components continued to function perfectly after an accumulated dose of approximately 4,000 R.
Image represents: LiDAR and radiometric data collected inside a turbine room using the Elios 3 RAD.
The benefits of adopting remote drone inspections in nuclear
See how Elios 3 RAD helps our clients save time, money, and stay safe
“[By using the Elios 3] I see a financial gain because we don't mobilize resources to feed, for example, a 10m high scaffold. [ ] Sending people is obviously an additional cost and what's more these activities are outsourced. The advantage of having this drone at our disposal would be to re-internalize this type of inspection, in order to optimize inspection time.”
Anthony Rampello
Inspection Manager, EDF Cattenom
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