power generation

Drone wind turbine blade inspections with the Elios 3

VZÚ Plzeň, a robotic inspections service provider, is using Elios 3 to radically improve drone inspections at power generation sites in the Czech …

Power Generation Case Study

A drone stack inspection with the Elios 3 UT

The Elios 3 UT flew inside the stack, cutting the need to affect insulation on the outside, producing accurate results that can be repeated for …

Power Generation

Saving over $1 million: wind turbine inspections with the Elios 3

A drone inspection for wind turbine blades can help avoid over $1 million in replacement costs by identifying faulty equipment early.

Power Generation

Surveying a disused coal plant with the Elios 3

An abandoned coal plant is being mapped for redevelopment, so surveying and inspection specialists TEXO used the Elios 3 to inspect the old buildings …

Power Generation

Power station inspections in Hong Kong with the Elios

CLP Power supplies highly reliable electricity to over 80% of Hong Kong’s population. As maintaining safe and efficient operations of power …

Power Generation

Analyzing a 35-meter dam surge tank with the Elios 3 in Canada

The Taltson Hydro Plant was due for maintenance work, and Osprey Integrity used the Elios 3 to inspect the inner workings of this dam.

Power Generation

Unlocking NDT inspections for power generation with the Elios 3

VZÚ Plzeň, a robotic inspections service provider, is using Elios 3 to radically improve drone inspections at power generation sites in the Czech …

Power Generation Nuclear

Internal Wind Turbine Blade Inspection with Elios 2 Cuts Inspection Time in Half, Allows 40% More of Blade to Be Inspected

Power company Ørsted tested the Elios 2 for an offshore wind turbine inspection and found that it helped them inspect 40% more of the turbine's …

Power Generation

Drone Reduces Time Needed for Scrubber Inspection by 98%, Saving 470 Hours of Work

TVA tested the Elios 2 for the inspection of a scrubber at one of its power plants and found that it helped keep personnel safer while significantly …

Power Generation

$420,000 Saved in Elios 1 Test by Argentinian Energy Company, Subsequently Invests in Elios 2

Pampa Energía, the largest independent energy company in Argentina, invested in the Elios 2 after saving $420,000 in its first test of the Elios 1 …

Power Generation