Case Studies

Case studies 180501521031

How Much Radiation Can the Elios 3 Handle? Testing at a DoE site

Case studies 176364570281

Tank Ultrasonic Thickness Measurement With The Elios 3

Case studies 173959040527

Drone wind turbine blade inspections with the Elios 3

Case studies 163246809670

A drone stack inspection with the Elios 3 UT

Case studies 153217186454

Saving over $1 million: wind turbine inspections with the Elios 3

Case studies 152606600547

Surveying a disused coal plant with the Elios 3

Case studies 152594999356

Power station inspections in Hong Kong with the Elios

Case studies 147553752151

Analyzing a 35-meter dam surge tank with the Elios 3 in Canada

Case studies 145290841353

Unlocking NDT inspections for power generation with the Elios 3

Case studies 36162191521

Drone Reduces Time Needed for Scrubber Inspection by 98%, Saving 470 Hours of Work

Case studies 24381357273

$420,000 Saved in Elios Test by Argentinian Energy Company