Here you can find the latest versions of the Elios 2 firmware. The latest versions are:
Avionics v1.7 (MD5 hash: 18078F09CB3E426BEF9F5B717A7BB963)
v1.7 January 2022
New features:
- Compatibility with new E2RAD sensor payloads (LOW, MID, HIGH level)
- When a battery error is detected the drone goes into autoland mode and the tablet vibrates for 3 seconds to warn the pilot.
- LED blink patterns updated, they will now blink red in case of a battery warning or a critically low battery.
Bug fixes
- Wifi streaming reliability improved
- Transmission status logging fixed
- Maintenance panel information no longer gets stuck in 'loading' status
v1.6 August 2021
New features:
- New Signal Strength indication - The two indicators on the top left corner now indicate downlink and uplink RSSI instead of a quality indicator as it’s more gradual and could prevent incidents in tricky environments such as sewers.
- Battery SoC displayed up to 60 cycles instead of 40
- Cockpit is now available in French, Spanish, German and Russian. Error codes added to warning messages.
Bug fixes
- Distance Lock controls fixed for Mode 1
- Big warning appearing in Cockpit about exceeded number of cycles of batteries also for new batteries fixed
v1.5 August 2021
New features:
- Integration with Elios 2 RAD Radiation detector payload
Bug fixes
- Drone is no longer disarmed when performing the arming sequence when already armed
v1.4 November 2020
New features:
- Photogrammetry flight mode now has grid lines overlaid to help with managing overlap during flight.
- Failsafe: After loss of signal the drone maintains altitude for 15 seconds, then starts the auto descent.
- Firmware update is only possible if drone battery voltage is higher than 16V
New warnings to communicate about hardware issues in the transmission system. - Added warnings to communicate that motors are approaching or have exceeded the maximum recommended replacement interval of 25 flight hours.
- Added warnings to communicate that the battery is approaching or has exceeded the maximum recommended lifetime of 40 discharge cycles.
- Battery SoC estimation is shown only if battery cycles < 40
Warning to detect defective battery through high cells imbalance - General improvements in vertical stability
- Camera Initialization improved to avoid recording error. Drone cannot be rearmed immediately after disarming to ensure proper video file termination.
- General bug fixes and improvements
v1.3 March 2020
New features:
- Distance lock setpoint is now tunable
- Improved tuning for auto closeup LED
- Drone blinks during arming sequence to estimate battery internal resistance
- Drone will not arm if battery is outside temperature range
Added more info to payload logs - Avionics watchdog to debug avionics
Checks if camera SD Card is at least 64GB - Will not start recording video if there is no space on SD card
- Better motion detection for IMU calibration
- Improved altitude control
- Live video feed switches to SDcomposite if HDMI error is detected
- Removed glitches in camera warnings
- Improved yaw control
- Corrected trim implementation
- Improved drone stability on the ground
- Fixed logging issues