Elios 1 Firmware

Here you can find the latest versions of the Elios 1 firmware. The latest versions are:

- Avionics binaries v1.2 (md5: 180174f5a9e45b52f038b53e323519df)

-Camera Binaries v0.11 (md5: 133f0ad6357d6d68f462dda0cf3c61e6)

- Cockpit 2.7

Installation Instructions


Documentation and Firmware elios 2

Elios 2 RAD User Manual

Practical Advice elios elios 2

When planning inspections, it is important to be able to give an estimation of how much time is needed to inspect a certain asset. In this article we will […]

Cockpit Documentation and Firmware Downloads

Flyability Cockpit is the application used to pilot the Elios and Elios 2 systems. Its main use is to allow the pilot to view the live video feed from the […]

Documentation and Firmware Inspector Downloads

Flyability drones create video files which be opened with any video player, but Flyability Inspector allows you to review the flight video alongside […]

Maintenance and Troubleshooting elios elios 2

The Elios and Elios 2 drones use DJI Lightbridge 2 control units, and as such require the DJI GO app to be used for some advanced operations such as:

Maintenance and Troubleshooting elios elios 2

The HDMI output can be connected to a secondary display for demonstration purposes, or in combination with higher brightness display when flying in direct […]

Practical Advice elios

Every Flyability drone comes with a complementary training. People new to drones will need some coaching to deal with Elios 1, but for some users if is […]

Documentation and Firmware elios 2 Downloads

Here you can find the latest versions of the Elios 2 firmware. The latest versions are:

Maintenance and Troubleshooting elios

Before Starting Download the latest version of the Elios 1 firmware Update Cockpit to the latest Version on the Tablet of the controller Automatic […]

Documentation and Firmware elios 2

Manuals Elios 2 Original Instructions

Range Extender Practical Advice elios elios 2

The purpose of this article is to provide complementary explanations on LiPo battery technologies as well as battery management. Refer to the dedicated […]

Practical Advice elios elios 2

Here is an overview of all the measures we you can implement to preserve the integrity of your data. Whether it’s a matter of intellectual property or the […]

Practical Advice elios elios 2

You are allowed to travel by air with Flyability drones, but it is very important that you keep the following points in mind:

Practical Advice elios elios 2

During visual inspections, all areas of interest must be systematically visited and filmed. A well defined and executed flight plan will help you get the […]

Practical Advice elios elios 2

Gather information about the flight environment Avoid unpleasant surprises by gathering as much information as possible about the flight environment […]

Maintenance and Troubleshooting elios elios 2

Calibration ensures that the control sticks have correct center point and range, the status LED on the GCS unit will blink red and a beeping sound will be […]

Maintenance and Troubleshooting elios

A pentagon can get unglued after a collision. This can easily be repaired following the instructions below.

Maintenance and Troubleshooting elios elios 2

We are only providing the Samsung T580 and T390N. Hence, please keep using this particular tablet with the Elios system, as we are developing the Elios […]

Maintenance and Troubleshooting elios elios 2

We use an internal Google account to set up the tablets, in order to use your own account, you’ll need to disconnect the Flyability account, then add […]

Maintenance and Troubleshooting elios elios 2